Frequently Asked Questions

General questions:

Q: Is Round Table Mentor free?

A: Yes! There are no fees to apply or be mentored.

Q: Who is Round Table Mentor open to?

A: Any unagented writers. We also accept unagented author-illustrators and illustrators of graphic novels, picture books, etc.

Q: Are you open to international MENTEES?

A: Yes! The mentor base is also international.

Q: What if my query/synopsis/comp titles/etc. isn’t perfect?

A: That’s fine! We understand that mentees may be new to writing queries and synopses. Just do your best. 

Q: How many manuscripts can I apply with? Can I apply to more than one age category?

A: This year, we are asking fiction and nonfiction authors to apply with only one manuscript and age category. However, if you’re a picture book author, you should submit three to four works in one document. Illustrators and author-illustrators should submit their portfolios. Short story and TV drama pilot authors should submit 30 pages of work.

Q: What genres are the mentors accepting?

A: You can find the genres and age categories each mentor is open to mentoring at Some mentors have a more detailed MSWL (manuscript wish list), while others are open to most genres within their age categories.


A: Yes! We require all applicants be at least 18 years of age by the time they apply.  

for Writers:

Q: How should my sample pages be formatted?

A: Industry standard is double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman preferred.

Q: How Many pages should my sample BE?

A: If you are a writer, we are asking for 30 pages. A full may be requested, but not necessarily, even if a mentor really loves your work.

Q: What if I write Picture Books or write short stories? how many pages should i submit?

A: In one document, please submit 3-4 picture book manuscripts, leading with your strongest work. If you’re a short story writer, please submit either one longer work or several smaller pieces totaling 30 pages.

Q: How polished does my manuscript need to be to apply?

A: In general, mentorship programs are most helpful when you’ve already polished your manuscript as much as you can on your own. However, many of the mentors are open to seeing earlier or unfinished drafts, so the level of polish depends on the mentor. There is no specific level required to apply.

for Author-illustrators and Illustrators:

Q: What if I'm an illustrator or author-illustrator? What should I submit?

A: If you’re an author-illustrator or illustrator of graphic novels, hybrids, or picture books, please share your portfolio website if you have one in the website section and 1 image of a spread from your book or samples images of your portfolio in the attachment section.

Other questions:

Q: What if I’m working on a revision now? Can I still apply?

A: Yes. If you’ve received feedback from beta readers or critique partners, we suggest incorporating that into the first 30 pages before you apply.

Q: Can I query while my application is under consideration by the mentors?

A: Yes, you can keep sending queries until you’re selected. 

Q: Can I query during the program if I’m selected as a mentee?

A: It’s expected that mentees will put querying on hold while you work on revisions. If you have a full manuscript out with an agent, you can inform them that you’ve been selected as a mentee and ask if they would like to see the revised manuscript. Most agents will say yes!

Q: What if my manuscript has been widely queried?

A: You can still apply, but most mentors will be more interested in a project that has not been queried yet.

Q: What if I need an accommodation for my disability?

A: Please reach out to the mentors. We are happy to work with you.

Q: Is there an agent showcase?

A: No. At the end of the year, a “no strings attached,” no industry professional pitch party will take place on Twitter and Instagram, showcasing mentee work across the program. 

Q: Do you accept manuscripts written with generative AI?

A: No.

Q: I applied as a mentee in a previous year and was not accepted. May I reapply?

A: Yes! If you are reapplying with the same manuscript, we suggest that you revise to your best ability before submitting.